Bad Blood Bear by Anastasia Wilde

Posted July 24, 2023 by Marsha in Kindle Unlimited, Sexual Content 18+, Shifter, Shifter Connected, Shifter Romantic Suspense, Shifter Series / 0 Comments

Lissa Ramsey is on the run from the cult of the Bear God, moving from town to town, living rough, and staying under the radar. But she can’t outrun the demon inside her—the one planted there by the cult leader. It’s angry and hungry—and out for blood.

Grizzly shifter Tank Morrison has vowed never to help another damsel in distress—not after the last one led him into a shifter hunter’s trap. But his bear is a natural Protector, and when he meets a homeless woman in a diner who obviously needs help, his bear can’t leave her alone.

When Lissa gets arrested, Tank is forced to bail her out of jail before the authorities find out what she really is. But Lissa can’t survive in his messed-up shifter crew without his protection, and he can’t claim her without betraying the memory of his dead mate. When Lissa’s past catches up with her, they both have a choice to make—one that can lead to love and redemption, or destroy the Bad Blood Crew for good.

Titles in the Bad Blood Shifters series include —  Bad Blood Bear —♥— Bad Blood Wolf —♥— Bad Blood Leopard —♥— Bad Blood Panther —♥— Bad Blood Alpha —♥—

This series has a connection to the Silverlake Shifters series and the Silverlake Enforcers series.

If you love these worlds, then check out the other connecting series on the Anastasia Wilde page.

This is an adult 18+ story that contains language, possible violence, and/or sexual situations geared to an adult audience.

Kindle Unlimited

Title:  Bad Blood Bear
Series:  Bad Blood Shifters #1
Author:  Anastasia Wilde
Published:  April 30, 2017
My Rating:  4.5

Now we return to the Silverlake universe for the stories of Flynn and his broken group of misfit shifters.  This woman, these men have been so tortured, so driven to the edge of insanity that it’s possible they’ll never come back, including Flynn.  In order to survive, they have to come together as a true, viable crew.  And the catalyst that will bring that about is just as, if not more, messed up than any of these survivors.

Bad Blood Bear is such an emotionally intense story.  It’s not just about two broken people finding their way to each other over seemingly insurmountable odds… although that story is intense, heartbreaking, and liberating just the same.  It’s also about these shifters taking back control of their lives again.  Yes, they’ve been released from torture and captivity.  Yet, in many ways, their animals are still fighting, still dealing with what they’ve gone through.  The term “broken” truly does apply to each and every one of them in some fashion.

Lissa and Tank make such an interesting couple.  Lissa is such a powerful character.  Oh, don’t mistake the horrible things that she’s gone through as all she is – no, she finds her strength within this crew and in her relationship with Tank.  And watching that unfold was truly a joy for me.  Tank is a complex man who feels deeply and cannot let go of what was – even though none of what happened was his fault.  This protector bear has gone through so much that, for a while, he lost that protector capability.  To watch him find himself again was priceless.  I enjoy seeing broken people find their way again, it gives hope for anything that follows that moment of clarity.

To talk about the events of this story would be so very easy, but that would rob you of the chance to experience this first story in the Bad Blood Crew series for yourself.  I enjoyed revisiting this world very much, Bad Blood Bear is an excellent beginning to the new series.  And I’m certainly looking forward to the rest of the crew’s stories.  I don’t believe you really “have” to have read the earlier series to enjoy this one… at least, what I’m seeing so far doesn’t feel that way.  Yet, those earlier stories are so rich and entertaining… and, in some ways, set up this new series that I’d strongly suggest that you indulge yourself and read them as well.  I would definitely recommend this story to any Paranormal Romance or Shifter Romance reader.  You’ll find an intense story, likable characters, interesting situations, a very nasty villain, and secondary characters you’ll want to learn more about in their own stories.

I read this title through my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Available for the Kindle

