Bearly Mated by Milly Taiden

Posted June 7, 2023 by Marsha in Kindle Unlimited, Sexual Content 18+, Shifter, Shifter Romantic Suspense, Shifter Series / 0 Comments


When her sister was killed, Dee Wixx’s soul shut itself away, never to see the light of day again, not even for a hunky bear shifter who was there for her at every turn. Her sister’s death dominated her past, present, and future. At least the murderer was in prison…until he showed up at her front door.

Nathan Pierce, the beta of the Pierce sleuth, found his mate, but she has locked herself away from trusting any man again. He sympathizes with what she’s suffering and is determined to get her through the tragedy…one way or another.

But he can’t sit back and watch her walk into danger when her life is threatened. Taking the case into his own hands, or paws, he’s led to something he never saw coming. Something that not only could kill his mate but end the entire sleuth.

Titles in the Bearly Mates series include — Bearly Marked —♥— Bearly Chased —♥— Bearly Mated —♥— Bearly Taken —♥—

This is an adult 18+ story that contains language, possible violence, and/or sexual situations geared to an adult audience.

Title:  Bearly Mated
Series:  Bearly Mates #3
Author:  Milly Taiden
Published:  March 19, 2023
My Rating:  4.5

I was completely wrapped up in Bearly Mated from the opening page right through to the satisfying ending.  Dee is one of the three friends we’ve met previously in the Bearly Mates series, but this time we get a better understanding of the pain that is hidden just beneath the surface, pain and fear that peeked out occasionally but now is in full view when Nate enters her life.  Their story is intense and painful yet full of closure possibilities… once the danger to Dee is solved.

Nate has known for some time that Dee is his mate.  He’s also known that Dee is still living in the past with her murdered sister on her mind constantly.  What happened to Emily was brutal, there is no doubt about that, but what is still happening to Dee is tragic in the sense that she is afraid to open herself up to any man, to never even consider that a man who truly loved her could ever be trusted to not hurt her, physically or emotionally.  She just won’t believe it.  So, Dee remains alone… and Nate watches over her from a distance hoping one day his mate will give him the chance to prove her fears wrong.

All that changes when the man accused and sentenced to prison for her sister’s murder shows up on her doorstep… a free man once again, and still proclaiming his innocence.   Suddenly, having Nate go into protective mode is more of a welcomed sight, even if she’ll argue with him about any suggestions he makes for her own safety.  Jack’s release from prison puts everything Dee thought she knew into question.  And those were the kind of questions that could get her killed.

I loved this couple; even as closed off as Dee could get with Nate, they still fit perfectly.  I enjoyed the ways that Nate slowly won her over.  He knew instinctively that pushing was going to get him nowhere, it had to be Dee’s choice to want something more for them, and it might drive him insane with worry in the meantime, but he would give her the space she needed to turn to him when she needed him the most.  That’s not an easy choice to stand behind when you love someone.  It was with relief and with joy for her when we eventually saw the moment that Dee finally realized that this man could be trusted, would stand beside her, and could never willingly harm her in any way.  The danger is real, and the chase to find the real killer is intense, but the trust and love that was building between Dee and Nathan was simply amazing to witness.

Although Bearly Mated “could” be read on its own, I’d highly recommend the entire series as the friendships are strong and play a large part in this storyline.  Besides they’re all excellent books!

I read this title through my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Available for the Kindle as this title is currently in KU
