His Shifter Wolf Boss by Serena Meadows

Posted July 5, 2023 by Marsha in Kindle Unlimited, Sexual Content 18+, Shifter, Shifter Romantic Suspense, Shifter Series / 0 Comments

My clan of wolf shifters wanted me dead for being born a girl… but I didn’t just survive but also met someone that felt like family.

That someone was a boy in the orphanage I grew up in.  I never could have imagined that I’d meet Derek again…  His innocent eyes had a lot of pain in them after all those years.  Perhaps that was the reason I didn’t recognize him at first.

It didn’t matter what my heart felt for him.  I had to keep myself from Derek… at all costs.  There was no way he could find out my real identity.  Derek was human, and I was not.  That was the only fact I needed to remember, especially now that I had hired him as my employee.

But the heart never listens to reason.  One single night changed everything.  The bad boy that I’d been in love with was hiding a secret of his own.  And he was the only one that could make my body shiver with pleasure.

The dream that I’d started living in wasn’t real.

Danger was chasing us… and Derek became the only one that could save my entire world.

Titles in The Clan of Hogan Falls series include — His Shifter Wolf Boss —♦— Her Shifter Wolf Runaway —♦— Her Shifter Wolf Assassin —♦— Her Shifter Fire Chief —♦— Her Shifter Wolf Doctor —♦— Her Shifter Wolf Rival Guide —♦— Her Rich Shifter Playboy —♦— His First Shifter Wolf Love —♦—

This is an adult 18+ story that contains language, possible violence, and/or sexual situations geared to an adult audience.

Title:  His Shifter Wolf Boss
Series:  The Clan of Hogan Falls #1
Author:  Serena Meadows
Published:  January 26, 2023
My Rating:  4.5

His Shifter Wolf Boss begins The Clan of Hogan Falls series with an intriguing concept of how the mind can create truth from unusual circumstances, and with desperation often comes despicable actions that will change (or destroy) lives before the truth comes to light once again.

There was a time when fear overrode common sense, when crazed grief, unexplainable illness, and natural disasters led to a new belief, a certainty put forth by one irrational leader that all their troubles could be traced to the birth of so many females.  It had to be this overabundance of baby girls that had brought about the destruction of the clans… right?  Well, in the minds of some powerful, and egotistical leaders, this is exactly why their clans are in trouble… because, of course, it could not have been something that they themselves had done; that was unthinkable!  Yet their word is law in this world.  It will turn out that their fear (and their word) threatened to destroy their world, and that is where our eight baby girls, who are now quite capable, opinionated, and strong women become the means to right the wrong… only, they want no part of that world, rightfully so.

Through various means, those eight babies found their way to Millie, who ran an orphanage in a small, remote town.  She knew of their backgrounds, and what they would one day become, and as she aged and they grew, it was time to begin the process of introducing them to their natural world.  And of the dangers that they would all face should their clans ever learn of their existence.

Derek was one of the last children to be adopted from the orphanage before Millie shut it down.  Being adopted should have been the greatest thing to happen to him, and it was, for a while.  He missed the other children, especially one little girl, but he had parents who loved him… until they didn’t.  Until his first shift.  For years, Derek had blamed Millie for sending him away with those people, but in reality, she hadn’t known either.  Now he’s returned to the only true home he ever knew to make peace with one woman and his past… only it’s too late for Millie has passed, leaving the former orphanage in the hands of eight unique women to turn into a bed and breakfast.  And a possible second chance for Derek to find his true future.

Louisa and Derek make the perfect couple to begin this series.  Each is wounded in their own way, each has always felt a connection with the other, and they were loved by an amazing woman who did the best she could for them both.  When the small repairs around the home they’d turned into a bed and breakfast in order to make ends meet begin to be too much for the talents of the ladies living there, it was time to hire a handyman.  Fortunately, Derek found that flyer and headed back home, or to his former home, hoping against all odds to find his place again.  Although they had briefly run into each other earlier in the day, now Louisa has to make a decision to hire Derek on the spot based purely on her instinct.  That decision will set change lives, and bring together two people who have always instinctively known they were meant to be.  But especially now, with Louisa’s clan on the doorstep demanding she returns… as a broodmare for their dying clan.  Yeah, right… not going to happen in this lifetime!  With her family and her mate at her side, Louisa will be the first to fight those who once sought her death.

This post has become longer than usual.  The idea behind this series is fascinating to me.  And somewhat realistic since we live in a time when irrational men (and women) can create such chaos and danger by their words alone.  I loved their connection from their past, but it grew into so much more than either expected.  United, they can face down anything, together they can forge a future for themselves — and help seven other women do the same when or if needed.

I binge-read these stories back to back, and I absolutely loved this series.  If you enjoy a well-written, emotional Shifter Romance with good friends, sexy mates, and danger lurking in the shadows, then you’d enjoy The Clan of Hogan Falls series.

I read this title through my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Available for the Kindle as this story is currently in KU
