Wolf’s Midlife Bite by Meg Ripley

Posted June 8, 2023 by Marsha in Kindle Unlimited, Sexual Content 18+, Shifter, Shifter Connected, Shifter Romantic Suspense, Shifter Seasoned Romance, Shifter Series, Shifters & Magic / 0 Comments

I thought my forties were gonna bite. But not quite like this.

My divorce from my controlling ex was final, but I had one last thing to check off on my list: Covering the tattoo of his name branded on my inner hip.

For comfort, I’d made an appointment with a fellow female, but she was overbooked and referred me to her colleague— Her ripped, gorgeous, very male colleague.

My skin flushed thinking of him working so close to an intimate spot, but Brody was a complete professional— Both during the appointment and between my sheets days later.

He even made an appointment at my dental office, just as an excuse to see me again.  But as I floss his teeth and one suddenly pierces my glove, I learn there’s another side of him: A wolf, simmering just beneath his tattooed skin.

Even crazier?  He tells me I’m now going to become one myself.  As in, a forty-year-old wolf lady.

Midlife crisis suddenly has a whole new meaning.

Titles in the Shifter Nation: Marked Over Forty series include — Forbidden Midlife Mate —♥— Wolf’s Midlife Bite —♥— Wolf’s Midlife Secret Child —♥— Rejected Midlife Wolf —♥— Wolf’s Midlife Nanny —♥—

*This series is part of the Shifter Nation Universe and begins right after the Fated Over Forty series*

Be sure to visit the Meg Ripley page for more of her titles that have been reviewed here, and a link to her official website.

This is an adult 18+ story that contains language, possible violence, and/or sexual situations geared to an adult audience.

Title:  Wolf’s Midlife Bite
Series:  Marked Over Forty #2
Author:  Meg Ripley
Published:  March 1, 2023
My Rating:  4.5

Wolf’s Midlife Bite is the second title in the Shifter Nation spin-off, Marked Over Forty.  This is a world that connects to the earlier series in Shifter Nation in a general way.  I found that it’s possible to pick up each book individually and discover a steamy, engaging story without any problem.  In my personal opinion, you’ll get a better overview of this world and know who the occasional familiar face is when they are mentioned if you’ve read the entire series (or at least that spinoff from the first story).  You do what works for you; my opinion is just that… my own experience and thoughts.  Each story is complete and can stand on its own if that is your style of reading.  🙂

Robin has finally ditched the ex-husband; she’s taking her life back.  And one of the most important things to her is to cover up that tattoo he put on her, claiming her as his property.  She never imagined that this simple act of self-freedom would take her into another world where magic, shifters, and the ultimate evil actually exist.  One gorgeous, hot tattoo artist is about to change Robin’s life… and his own as well.

Brody is an artist first, a tattoo artist second, oh, and a wolf shifter always.  He knows there’s something about his next, unexpected client that simply lingers in his mind as he calmly talks her down from the uncomfortable reaction to a male working on that disgusting tattoo.  No one has the right to brand anyone, and he isn’t afraid to make that point clear as he beautifully changes something ugly into a statement of freedom for this lovely lady.  His head may not have gotten the message that this woman is his mate, but his wolf certainly has… and neither is going to let her slip away without pursuing her.

I loved Brody and Robin together.  There is an underlying tension in their story as other factors come into play, and we realize the real danger that is facing both Brody’s pack and Robin.  One small slip on Brody’s part will fast forward what he wanted to the point of almost losing the woman he knows belongs with him.  Robin’s reaction to her very real change of life is believable (for the genre), and her stubbornness will ultimately lead to a bit of an internal battle to actually believe Brody’s claims — that she’s now a wolf shifter, and that she’s his fated mate.  Add in some vile villains, and you’ll find an intriguing, sexy, funny, witty, and engaging romance.  Plus, we’re talking seasoned romance here, which I will always love because falling in love forever isn’t only for the younger crowd.

I read this title through my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Available for the Kindle as this title is currently in KU
