Bearly Taken by Milly Taiden

Posted July 7, 2023 by Marsha in Kindle Unlimited, Sexual Content 18+, Shifter, Shifter Romantic Suspense, Shifter Series / 0 Comments

Noah Pierce is home. He’s back, and there’s no changing it. He never should have left. In the process of trying to fix one mistake with another, he made the worst one of all. He abandoned the only woman he loved. Sweet, loving, and he couldn’t wait to get her out of her clothes, Becca.

Becca can’t believe Noah’s return at first. She’s angry. She’s frustrated. More than anything, though, she’s still in love with the annoying bear. She needs to stay away from his tempting ways. But how can she when he turns up everywhere? His romantic touches. The heated looks. The lust-filled kisses. It’s enough to make her strong resistance waver.

The threat of the opposing bear clan’s desire for revenge comes to haunt them. Noah knows he has to stand and fight. Even if it means his life. But revenge isn’t their only problem. There’s more danger lurking than they imagined. It’s a fight for more than their love. It’s a fight for survival.

Titles in the Bearly Mates series include — Bearly Marked —♥— Bearly Chased —♥— Bearly Mated —♥— Bearly Taken —♥—

This is an adult 18+ story that contains language, possible violence, and/or sexual situations geared to an adult audience.

Love Milly Taiden’s books?  Check out our Milly Taiden page for reviews that have been done here at Shifter Haven.

Title:  Bearly Taken
Series:  Bearly Mates #4
Author:  Milly Taiden
Published:  June 15, 2023
My Rating:  4.5

Bearly Taken is the fourth title in the Bearly Mates series, and is, perhaps, the most emotional of the series (so far).  Noah made a decision a decade ago, one he deeply regrets, for it has harmed the one he loved, the woman he left to protect beyond what he could have imagined.  He’s returned because he needs Becca in his life; he (and his bear) need their mate in spite of the danger to them all from one crazed alpha who would destroy anything that mattered to Noah without hesitation.  It’s time to make amends, hope for a second chance, and fight for the future he and Becca have been denied.

Becca is stubborn, angry, and deeply hurt by Noah’s actions ten years ago… and by his unexpected return now.  Why?  Why did he have to come back?  Was leaving her heartbroken and destroyed the first time not enough?  No matter what those answers are, she cannot deny that the love is still there between them.  It never died but held onto hope in the back of her mind and believed that Noah had some answers for her one day.  Well, one day has arrived.  And she has answers, of a sort.  Now she has to decide whether to risk her heart once more or walk away for good.  There really is no other answer but to fight for the love of her life… and he’d better prove himself to her once and for all time.

Sometimes doing what you consider the right thing ends up hurting yourself and others more than facing the danger together, united.  A lesson Noah learned the hard way.  I enjoyed watching this broken couple work their way back to each other… and facing down the danger that threatens them both.  Second chances don’t come often, and Noah is well aware of what is at risk.  A vile villain, strong support characters, and a couple that belong together no matter what.  Bearly Taken is a well-written, emotional, and intense romance that kept me flipping pages and completely involved in their story.

I read this title through my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Available for the Kindle as this title is currently in KU
