Wolf’s Instinct by Elva Birch

Posted July 8, 2023 by Marsha in Owned, Shifter, Shifter Series, TBR Read / 0 Comments

Shifter kids and hot single dads in a small town with a secret…

Lynx shifter Addison has come to the quaint Montana town of Nickel City to work at a new, shifters-only daycare. She doesn’t expect to meet a breathtakingly gorgeous man on her first day wrangling owl toddlers and armadillo kids. But she’s been dazzled by a handsome face before and barely got away from her last controlling boyfriend. Can she trust her lynx’s instinct that this is where she’s meant to be at last?

Roderick’s toddler daughter and busy plumbing business keep him too wrapped up for romance, and while he trusts his wolf, the magic of instinct can be like playing hot and cold with a kid who’s forgotten where they hid the prize. Everything about the new arrival Addison makes him think there might just be room in his little family for one more, but he has to think of Gabby first.

Just as they think they might find the path together to their own happy-ever-after, Addison’s new job is threatened, and the mother of Roderick’s daughter arrives to complicate matters…and she isn’t the only ex on the horizon. Can they keep the fledgling daycare from going under and follow their instincts to find happiness?

Titles in the A Daycare for Shifters series include — Wolf’s Instinct —♥— Dragon’s Instinct —♥— Unicorn’s Instinct —♥— Gryphon’s Instinct —♥—


If you love Elva Birch (who also writes as Zoe Chant with other authors), then check out our Elva Birch page.

Title:  Wolf’s Instinct
Series:  A Day Care for Shifters #1
Author:  Elva Birch  (a Zoe Chant author)
Published:  September 20, 2021
My Rating:  4.5

Wolf’s Instinct begins the A Day Care for Shifters series, and although I love this author and purchased this one on release day… well, it stayed on my TBR pile for far too long.  Yet maybe that wasn’t just by chance, for today was a day when I really needed to escape reality.  No more fights, no more depressive thoughts, no more sadness… just finding someplace happy and fun and welcoming.

As I was browsing through my Kindle, I came across this title and remembered that the author had mentioned she wrote it as an escape, as a write what I want to write because it feels right kind of story… and I thought, that’s exactly what I need right now.  And I’m so glad that I found this book again on this particular day.  And it did exactly what I needed and what (I believe) this amazing author intended… it took me out of my reality and transported me to a place where I could freely laugh, watch two people fall in love, and who cannot adore these shifter toddlers!  Yeah, Wolf’s Instinct was exactly what I needed most, so thank you (not only) Elva Birch but also for the timing in rediscovering that I had this one available when it was needed the most.

Now, on to the review:

I absolutely loved this brand new world of toddler shifters and their cuteness overload… and their shenanigans!  Wolf’s Instinct introduces us to a very unique daycare center in a rather special, magical town.  And to some very adorable, stubborn, and carefree tiny shifters who are each unique in their own way, and will lighten any reader’s day just by imagining their antics in this story.

Both Roderick and Addison have something in common — both have an annoying ex that simply will not stay gone!  Yet, each has slightly different issues with those annoying people.  The attraction between them hit on their first meeting, but neither is really trusting in those instincts anymore.  Watching them slowly let go of the past and take the risk of loving and trusting someone again was a delight to experience.

There is a background thread that will probably weave throughout the series.  I won’t say much about that, but it will be fascinating to keep an eye on.  There are villains here, the kind that are out to get their own way no matter who is harmed in the attempt.  An ex is an ex for a reason… and that fact was well-proven here.

But even though I loved Roderick and Addison, it was the shifter toddlers that totally won my heart here.  They simply kept me smiling, laughing and helped to take me away to a happy place with their cuteness and their adorable antics.  Yeah.  It was an amazing story with mostly likable characters that it was so easy to fall into their world.  If you need an escape from reality — or simply a really good, well-written, laugh-out-loud, emotional romance… then this one is perfect for you.

I own a Kindle edition of this title.

Available for the Kindle as this title is currently in KU
